General FAQ
- Q: How do I submit? What if I have a partner?
A: Log on to one of the linux machines (firebird or raptor). Go to the directory with your code, do a "make", a "make clean", and then run /usr/class/cs148/bin/submit. The
script will ask you some questions as well as check to ensure that your code can compile. If you are working with a partner, make sure to include the name and SUNet ID of your
partner in a file called README (please only submit one project per group.) You can run the submit script as many times as you want -- we will only grade the most recent
submission. E-mail the helpline if you have any problems.
- Q: How do I compile on linux?
A: Use the provided Makefile. You will need to copy all the files from the starter code directory like this:
cp -r /usr/class/cs148/assignments/assignment1 .
Now just replace the starter code files with your completed files!
- Q: I'm using windows and I get an error in glut with the exit function... what should I do?
A: This worked for one student... try changing:
extern _CRTIMP void __cdecl exit(int);
_CRTIMP __declspec(noreturn) void __cdecl exit(int);
- Q: I installed GLUT from the website, but I can't get my code to compile nor can I run the .exe demo files.
A: The version of GLUT on the website is not the version we use for this class. You have to download version 3.7.6 from
- Q: Can I receive extra credit for <fill in the blank>?
A: For trivial improvements you will probably not receive extra credit. If you think you have a sizeable enhancement and would like to receive extra credit, email the
staff and we will let you know approximately how much extra credit you will receive.