You will save yourself some confusion if you only use glScalef to draw objects, then pop the scale off the stack immediately after you're finished drawing and not let it affect your current reference frame. It's very confusing when your translations are scaled, and it's nice to be able to keep in your head the rough numbers that should correspond to the size of a robot part, which scales can mess up.
So if I want to draw a squashed cube, I should probably do
something like:
glPushMatrix(); glScalef(0.3,1.0,1.0); glutSolidCube(0.5); glPopMatrix();
With that said, we don't recommend typing random numbers in and changing them
until it looks right. You will make your life easier if you use constants
like TOBOR_ARM_LENGTH instead of putting numbers in your code. That way
when you need to draw a segment with some length _and_ translate the frame
by the same amount for the next segment, you can just use your constant.
Plus most of those numbers you use on both sides of the body anyway,
so having a #define is convenient.