The Very Best of Stinter, 1968-1998
To all the dedicated Stinter fans, who stuck with Stinter...
One Stint at a Time represents the very best cuts that made it through 30 years of the Stinter phenomenon. As expected, many of the 'real' best have been lost to crazed fans, overzealous reporters, fires started by jealous competition (like Mr. Big), etc. But what remains undoubtedly constitutes a body of musical work that has shaped the industry and perhaps even touched a few lives... and here it is, free for your listening enjoyment. Digitally remastered from the original audio tapes. Just the way you like it. It's Stinter's way of giving back to the fans that gave them so much. Thanks, America. And Honduras. Stinter is fucking huge in Honduras.
Mr. Goobers
Friend and long-time roadie for the boys, and author of this page
Oh, yea, and for the record... Stinter is :
Felix von Stroodle (Richard Pryor) (also see his personal solo efforts)
James McIntosh (Hugh Grant)
Jon Briks (Pimp Daddy)
Dan Morris (The Cobbler) (who has also finished some solo work)
There are approximately FIVE lies on this page so far.
Written by Hugh Grant
Richard Pryor : Bass and Harmony Vocals
Hugh Grant : Guitars and Lead Vocals
Pimp Daddy : Drums and Pimping
The Cobbler : Guitars
Fallin' was part of the famed 'Living-on-Franco-American' sessions, which of course culminated in the smash success album Just for the Stint of it All in 1970. Now I'm no poet, but I think this song is about falling. Like when you walk off a cliff or something. But maybe that's just me (me being Mr. Goobers, because Stinter themselves did not write this page).
There are approximately NINE lies on this page so far.
Written by Richard Pryor
Richard Pryor : Bass and Lead Vocals
Hugh Grant : Lead Vocals (maybe a guitar in there somewhere?)
Pimp Daddy : Drums and Pimping
The Cobbler : Guitars
The great irony of He Can't Fly is that it appeared on the 1978 cult favorite Stinter in the Sky. That's ironic, because the album title implies that Stinter can fly, but the song implies that someone cannot. It's that lyrical enigma that propelled Stinter in the Sky to number one in only twelve minutes. Damn, those guys are brilliant.
There are approximately TWELVE lies on this page so far.
Written by Black Sabbath
Richard Pryor : Bass
Hugh Grant : Lead Vocals and Guitar Solo
Pimp Daddy : Drums and Pimping
The Cobbler : Guitars
This song is as chilling here on One Stint at a Time as it was when it was originally released on the classic metal album that bears its name. I'm almost sorry for Black Sabbath that they gave something like this to Stinter but still have to compete with them for the classic rock market. Geez... I wouldn't want to be in those shoes. In a market race against Stinter, Sabbath will be lucky to have shoes by the year 2000.
There are approximately FIFTEEN lies on this page so far.
Written by Richard Pryor
Richard Pryor : Bass and Lead Vocals
Hugh Grant : Rhythm Guitar and Harmony Vocals
Pimp Daddy : Drums and Pimping
The Cobbler : Lead and Rhythm Guitars
Dog Named Jim is the highlight of Stinter's 1968 classic album : Look Yonder, I See a Stint. Produced by Brian Tubbs at Columbia Studios in Los Angeles, this track discusses the chilling fear that one feels when confronted with a hellhound. It still scares me, and I (I being Mr. Goobers, because Stinter themselves did not write this page) was there when it was recorded.
There are approximately NINETEEN lies on this page so far.
Written by Hugh Grant
Richard Pryor : Bass
Hugh Grant : Lead Vocals (maybe a guitar in there somewhere?)
Pimp Daddy : Drums and Pimping
The Cobbler : Guitars
I can still remember when I got my first copy (I have sixty-seven) of If Stinter Ran the World, the 1984 megasmash on which 'The Three' originally appeared. It was Christmas, 1984... the snow was falling, and I danced the night away, crackpipe in one hand and the insert to If Stinter Ran the World in the other. Okay, the crackpipe was in my mouth most of the time, but the other part about me dancing is pretty accurate. Anyway this song gets right to the heart of "The Three". Three, of course, is the number between two and four. But by calling this extra-special number THE three, Hugh Grant has really given my personal favorite integer a moment to shine. Thanks, Hugh.
There are approximately TWENTY-THREE lies on this page so far.
Written by Hugh Grant and Richard Pryor
Richard Pryor : Bass and Lead Vocals
Hugh Grant : Lead Vocals and Guitar Solo
Pimp Daddy : Drums and Pimping
The Cobbler : Guitars
Ah, the Ogden House. I can still remember the first time I was at the Ogden House. I was with Stinter, in fact. It was really dark out, and we were dropping off a plastic oar named Peter Penecious in the backyard. Anyway for those of you who aren't lucky enough to have seen it, the Ogden house is a 'preservation' of life in colonial Fairfield. They churn butter there, and little kids come to watch. I hear in colonial Fairfield they had to make their crack BY HAND. Wow. It's that sort of chronologically astounding truth that prompted Stinter to write this one and put it on their 1990 redefinition, Stinter Coast to Coast. Wow. That's all I can say. Wow.
There are approximately TWENTY-SIX lies on this page so far.
Written by the Cobbler
The Cobbler : Vocals, Guitars
The first of the never-before-released cuts on One Stint, this track chills me from its opening chords. In fact I'm getting cold just thinking about it. I think I'll have some soup to warm myself up. I need soup, because I'm so chilled by this track.
Anyway this one is just The Cobbler... written, performed, and produced by The Cobbler... he does deserve a track or two to himself, considering the fact that a bocce injury left him jawless and unable to put vocals on any of the Stinter original classics. This track owes so much to prosthetic jaws.
There are approximately TWENTY-NINE lies on this page so far.
Written by Hugh Grant
Richard Pryor : Bass and Harmony Vocals
Hugh Grant : Guitar Solo and Lead Vocals
Pimp Daddy : Drums and Pimping
The Cobbler : Rhythm Guitars
First Hero is of course about Caveman Bill. In three trillion BC (that's BCE at Brown University) ('Before Common Era', because BC is religiously charged) (it's odd that I, Mr. Goobers, should know that, as I do not attend Brown University and this page was NOT written by Stinter)... In three trillion BC, Caveman Bill rescued a woolly mammoth from a tree, becoming the 'First Hero' in the literal sense. Hence the title. I could be misreading here, but I think I've got this one for sure... anyway this appeared on the 1974 classic To Stint or not to Stint, finally rekindling the long-lost legend of Caveman Bill.
There are approximately THIRTY-FOUR lies on this page so far.
Written by Nine Inch Nails
Richard Pryor : Bass and Vocals
Hugh Grant : Did not participate... what would his parents think?
Pimp Daddy : Drums and Pimping
The Cobbler : Guitars and Lead Vocals
I have a 'wish'... I wish Stinter would come to my house and play all the time. That's what this song is all about. Wishes. Like : 'I wish I was as talented as those crazy guys in Stinter.' Or : 'I wish I wasn't spending all my money on crack so I could go buy Stinter tickets.' You know, that sort of thing.
There are approximately THIRTY-SEVEN lies on this page so far.
There are approximately FORTY-ONE lies on this page so far.
Track 11 : Last Minutes (2:53)
MP3 - LyricsPLUS
Written by the Cobbler
The Cobbler : Vocals, Piano, Guitar
So this one isn't really Stinter at all, it's just the Cobbler. Again. The reason it's here has nothing to do with the fact that the Cobbler wrote this page. It couldn't have to do with that, because the Cobbler DID NOT write this page. I, Mr. Goobers, wrote this page. Anyway this is a 'soft-side-of-the-cobbler' cut, never before released on any stinter album!
By the way, the REAL brilliance here is that it's about 'last minutes', but it's also the 'last minutes' of One Stint at a Time. What I wouldn't give to be Stinter. Damn they're clever.
There are approximately FORTY-FOUR lies on this page so far.
Written by the good people at McDonald's
Richard Pryor : Bass and Vocals
Hugh Grant : Vocals
Pimp Daddy : Drums and Pimping
The Cobbler : Lead Vocals and 'Keyboards'
This clip, long thought to be lost, is one of the main reasons I bought One Stint at a Time. This version of the Stinter Coast to Coast classic's last measures was popularized in the early days of Stinter, but fell out of favor at live shows when McDonald's opted to use it in an ad. It's rather ironic how appropriate it was for McDonald's, discussing McDL-this and McNuggets-that. Just goes to show how incredibly ahead of their time those guys in Stinter always are.
There are approximately FIFTY lies on this page so far.
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