Introduction: Neural Motor Prosthetics
Decades and decades of work have gone into understanding how the
motor cortex - the part of the brain that controls movement - works.
Thousands of researchers have electrically recorded from motor cortex
in various species (including humans) performing various motor tasks, to
try to get a handle on how the motor cortex says "move my hand over" or
"shake my head".
Recently, our understanding of this area has gotten so
good that we can start to "translate" (decode) the language of motor cortex... We'd
like to say: "oh, this particular set of cells is active right now,
that means this brain must be trying to move its foot to the left". What can
we do with that knowledge?
I worked for some time with the Donoghue Lab in the
Neuroscience Department at Brown University, on neural decoding
for neural prosthetic devices, and I am currently working with CyberKinetics, a medical device
company aiming to bring this technology to clinical applications.
The general goal of this work is to allow quadriplegic, locked-in, or
otherwise motor-impaired patients to interact with their environment,
through neural recording electrodes placed in the motor cortex. In the
long-term vision, a patient who has lost function in his arms and legs
might be able to control a robot, wheelchair, or computer desktop just
by thinking about moving his or her arms.
Initial Results
This page demonstrates some preliminary results that I generated on various
preclinical (non-human) datasets collected at Brown University. The general
approach is to collect data about how a subject's arm is moving (we do that at
Brown using a digitizing tablet from Wacom)
(a joystick-like device), while simultaneously collecting neural data from an electrical recording
array. The recording array is implanted in the primary motor cortex,
the part of the brain most directly responsible for controlling voluntary
muscle movement. In a perfect world, we should be able to learn the
mapping from neural signals to arm movements, and predict where the arm
is based on the recorded neural information.
So the results on this page are mostly movies that show a known arm position
(we know where the arm was because we were recording the position of the
tablet) and a predicted arm position (based on neural data). If we're doing
our job perfectly, the two points should line up all the time. In reality,
it's impossible to exactly predict arm position for a variety of
reasons. Most importantly, we're only recording a small fraction of the
neurons that actually control the arm, so it's like trying to piece together a
novel given just the first word of each sentence. That's a problem that can
only be fixed with new recording technology. Also, we still don't know exactly
what the right way to decode neural signals is... and that's the problem
that is an area of active research in several labs across the country.
Generally about two minutes of training data was used for each of these
examples, and the predictions are generated on another chunk of data
collected on the same day. All of the results generated here were based on
spikes alone, although the recording hardware used provides field potential
data also (another topic of further investigation).
I should point out that the results presented here are not inherently novel;
they are based on my implementations of the work of Warland
et al and Wu et
al. Both of those papers are excellent references on the numerical basis
of continuous neural decoding.
Some random results where dots chase each other:
Optimal Linear Filter |
Optimal Linear Filter |
Kalman Filter |
Example Matlab Code
I provide some sample Matlab code here. This is a simple
implementation of the linear and kalman filters, along with some synthetic
data and the background paper
describing each filter. My implementation of joint-space decoding -
described below - is included as a simple example of something you might do
to build on the classic decoding algorithms.
A Slightly Different Approach: Joint-Space Reconstruction
As a simple example of the sort of question one might ask in neural
decoding research, here are some similar results generated in a slightly
different manner...
One might believe that the motor cortex precisely encodes the two-dimensional
position that we measure on our graphics tablet... that's the assumption in
the results we show above. An alternative assumption is that the motor
cortex actually directly encodes the angle at a subject's shoulder and
elbow, and the transformation from two-dimensional position into joint angles
is done somewhere else in the brain.
So to test this hypothesis, I'd like to do the same experiment we used for
the previous results, but measure the joint angles instead of the hand
position. For now, let's take a simpler approach, and just pretend I know
how long the two segments of the subjects arm were when we collected that
data, and let's pretend we knew exactly where his shoulder was, and let's
pretend that his shoulder didn't move. It turns out that given those
assumptions - pretty reasonable ones, actually - I can compute what his joint
angles must have been during the experiment. Then, instead of building a
mapping from brain activity to hand position, I can build a mapping from
brain activity to joint angle.
Here is a summary the results when I take this approach... it turns out that
this works almost exactly as well - sometimes a little better, sometimes a
little worse - as the assumption that motor cortex encodes a position in
A comparison of joint- and cartesian-space prediction on one movement axis
Joint- and cartesian-space reconstruction
TG2: A Novel Experimental Platform (my work at Brown)
My primary contribution to the work at Brown is a software suite -
TG2 - that allows experimenters to generate complex experiments
using a graphical interface. The software provides a variety of experimental
logic, graphic rendering, hardware interfacing, neural data processing,
and data logging features. Neuroscience and psychophysics researchers
can access these features graphically in their experiments, without
being fluent in C++ or other low-level languages. Experimenters who are
familiar with Matlab but who don't want to deal with the low-level details
of graphic rendering, accurate data logging and timing, talking
to neural interface devices, etc., can use a real-time Matlab interface
to communicate with TG2.
TG2 also aims to make experiments re-usable across different input devices
and different neural recording systems by presenting the user with an
abstract interface to these devices. This allows new devices to be swapped
in without re-writing experiments to include device-specific interfaces or
re-writing post-experimental analysis programs.
Additionally, and perhaps most importantly, the software incorporates
several continuous and discrete neural decoding algorithms, so researchers
can perform higher-level decoding experiments without re-inventing the
wheel in terms of decoding.
This package is currently the primary experimental platform in the
Donoghue Lab at Brown and in ongoing clinical experiments at Brown (based
on acute intraoperative recordings). It is also the basis for my
work at CyberKinetics.
An overview of the features of TG2 is presented here.
Some shots of TG2 and his friends (tools that ship in the TG2 package):
Publications and References
The data shown here are preclinical, but Brown and CyberKinetics have begun
to apply the implementations behind these results in clinical environments.
Some information has recently been presented as posters at various
conferences; all of the following make use of TG2:
Ojakangas CL, Shaikhouni A, Friehs GM, Caplan AH,
Serruya MD, Saleh M, Morris DS, Donoghue JP. Decoding movement intent from
human premotor cortex neurons for neural prosthetic applications. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, 2006.
Serruya M, Caplan A, Saleh M, Morris D, Donoghue J.
The BrainGate Pilot Trial: Building and Testing a Novel Direct Neural Output
for Patients with Severe Motor Impairment.
Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 34th Annual Meeting of the Society for
Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, October, 2004.
Black M, Shaikhouni A, Wu W, Morris D, Donoghue J.
A direct brain-machine interface for 2D cursor control using a Kalman
Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 34th Annual Meeting of the Society for
Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, October, 2004.
Mukand J, Williams S, Shaikhouni A, Morris D, Serruya M,
Donoghue J.
Feasibility Study of a Neural Interface System for Quadriplegic
Presented at the 65th Annual Assembly of the American Academy of Physical
Medicine & Rehabilitation, October 2004, Phoenix, Arizona.
Hatt BW, Donoghue JP, Hatsopoulos N, Friehs GM,
Guillory KS, van Wagenen RA, Serruya MD, Caplan AH, Morris DS,
Saleh M, Surgenor TR. Thoughts Into Actions - From Animal Experiments to
Human Prosthesis. Poster presented at the 34th NIH Neural Prosthesis
Workshop, October 2003, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland.
Donoghue JP, Saleh M, Caplan A, Serruya MD, Morris DS,
Ramchandani S, Ojakangas C, Friehs G.
Direct Control of a Computer Cursor By
Frontal Cortical Ensembles in Humans: Prospects for Neural Prosthetic Control.
Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 33rd Annual Meeting of the Society for
Neuroscience, New Orleans, Louisiana, 8-12 November, 2003.
Serruya MD, van Wagenen RA, Guillory KS, Caplan AH, Saleh M,
Donoghue JP, Morris DS, Hatt BW.
Braingate: Developing a Device to Provide Motor Impaired Patients with a
Novel Neural Output.
Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 33rd Annual Meeting of the Society for
Neuroscience, New Orleans, LA, November, 2003.
I'm only mentioning work here with which I was involved, but of course
there are numerous groups working on similar problems... a few of
them include: